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krasa Ženy Podkladový make-up Essence Moisturizing Base Hydro Hero Otherkrasa Ženy Podkladový make-up Essence Moisturizing Base Hydro Hero Other
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krasa Ženy Podkladový make-up Essence Moisturizing Base Hydro Hero Other

Moisturizing Base Hydro Hero

137 Kč Partnerský produkt
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Odkaz na výrobek: 24519361
Essence presents its Hydro Hero Moisturizing Base, a cutting-edge formula without parabens or acetone, perfectly tailored for vegan beauty enthusiasts. Enriched with hyaluronic acid and cucumber extract, this base hydrates the skin for 48 hours, offering a rejuvenated complexion and an ideal canvas for foundation application. Discover Essence's innovation with the Hydro Hero Moisturizing Base, an essential step for a flawless makeup routine. Free from parabens and acetone, this vegan formula embodies the brand's commitment to ethical beauty. Infused with hyaluronic acid and cucumber extract, this base is not only a preparation for foundation but also an exceptional hydrating skincare serum.The Hydro Hero Moisturizing Base goes beyond creating a perfect canvas for makeup it also provides extended hydration for up to 48 hours. Hyaluronic acid retains moisture, while cucumber extract soothes the skin, delivering a revitalizing freshness. This versatile base refines pores and gives the skin a natural radiance, creating a smooth and radiant complexion.With a lightweight and non-greasy texture, this base quickly absorbs, leaving the skin ready to receive the benefits of makeup. Prepare for a sensory experience that combines skincare and beauty, as the Hydro Hero Moisturizing Base transforms your daily routine into a indulgent ritual for visibly rejuvenated skin and a radiant complexion. Trying Essence's Hydro Hero Moisturizing Base means embracing responsible beauty without compromise.
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